
Communications Law

Regarding the article about Congress’ telecommunications bill (Dec. 21), I find it ironic that the party that claims the media is run by the “liberal elite” is the same party that needs to be persuaded that our country should have less media concentration, instead of more. Perhaps Republicans are merely crying wolf when it comes to the media boogeymen?


Los Angeles

* How can anyone say, “We have a wonderful telecommunications bill,” when clumsy and unenforceable provisions to censor the Internet will send the information superhighway down the road to McCarthyism?

This bill doesn’t just censor but criminalizes common Internet conduct as simple as clicking a mouse. Computer networks should not be subject to “indecency” provisions that do not exist for basic cable television (going directly into 60 million homes), newspapers, magazines, movies, music, advertisements, etc.


All computer content provisions must be removed, or the bill must be vetoed.


Culver City
