
Math Teacher Has the Right Formula

* Thank you for your fine article in the Jan. 20 edition concerning the philosophy of Thomas Knopke, math teacher at Fullerton’s Nicholas Junior High.

Knopke’s philosophy mirrors the philosophies of Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and many of our early patriots. They believed in humanism, not fundamentalism. All were heavily criticized in their day for not being sufficiently Christian, just as Knopke is now being criticized for his humanist beliefs. But only a humanist like Paine could have inspired the colonists to stand up against tyranny by writing “Common Sense.” Only a humanist like Jefferson could have written the immortal words “all men are created equal.”

Knopke will not go down in history as the other great humanists have, but he should not be criticized by the school system for espousing the very philosophies on which our great country were founded.




* Re “Philosophical Differences” (Jan. 20), on teacher Thomas W. Knopke:

More outrage. How much can we take? Now it’s a teacher who shares the truth with his students, in violation of district policy, in broad daylight, right here in Fullerton. I say, “Up the ante of surplus funds until this student-loving Knopke fellow can’t refuse to quit.” I wouldn’t blame the school board if they all resigned in protest. What a wonderful idea!


