
Abortion Debate Focuses on Control

Re “The Good Old Days? Let’s Not Go There Again” (Jan. 28): The violent minority Robin Abcarian writes of is the religious fundamentalists who, to their credit, fanatically vote their convictions. Unfortunately too many Americans these days are too indifferent, or too lazy, to get off their duffs on election day and vote.

Because so many American voters elect not to vote, religious zealots have been able to wield power way above their numbers and elect right-wing politicians who decide what laws will be enacted.

The polls say that Californians want safe, legal abortions and do not want to go back to the “good old days” of back-alley abortions. If so, people had better get back in the habit of voting again or the current crop of fundamentalist-backed legislators will soon have its way.



Huntington Beach


Yes, I have heard of the days that were “good old days.” I know that behind Norman Rockwell’s America lived Freud’s nightmare.

As to the connection made in regard to legal and illegal abortions, well, that is just plain extremist. Yes, what Abcarian refers to as a woman’s right to choose is at risk, but not because of a small number of crazy people. What endangers it is the blatant misuse of abortion. An alarming number of abortions are being performed out of convenience.

So much noise comes from the left about a woman taking her right to control her body. Speaking for the right, why not take that control before getting pregnant rather than after?





Virtually every fair-minded citizen would agree with Abcarian that a drawback to living in the “good old days” was racism.

But her main premise in downplaying the decency, manners and family ties so characteristic of previous generations is the inaccessibility of legalized abortion during those times. Her point is, Whew! Thank God we’re civilized enough now to make abortion a routine procedure funded by the federal government. And damn those shortsighted, mean-spirited Republicans seeking to remove that inalienable right.

I’d love to know why Abcarian thinks a reversal of Roe vs. Wade need send American women “reeling back to the dark ages of illegal abortion.” Her explanation is that “unwanted pregnancies are a fact of our lives.” She makes it sound like they can’t be helped, like earthquakes.





In “The Good Old Days,” Robin Abcarian writes passionately and articulately, advocating federally funded abortions. And others like Pat Buchanan are just as passionate in support of a ban on abortions.

What business does our government have legislating in this field altogether?

The status of a fetus is a matter of doctrine in several religions, and gets interpreted in various ways. And we have a Constitution that guarantees separation of church and state.

The only logical and moral thing for our government to do in this area is to repeal all laws on abortion.


Los Angeles


I along with Robin Abcarian remembered the 23rd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in America. I, however, mourned the deaths of the 33 million babies who have died since that decision.

This is all done in the name of a personal, private decision. If this is so personal and private, why do we all have to help pay for it with our tax dollars?


