
South Bay Honors 14 for Heroism

South Bay police officers and firefighters who performed exceptional acts of bravery and heroism over the last year were honored Thursday with a medal of valor.

The annual award, sponsored by South Bay cities and local Chambers of Commerce, honored 14 men and women. The 22-year-old tradition was established to honor public servants who have put their lives on the line.

The top award went to a group of Hawthorne firefighters and a police officer who rescued a family of three trapped in a burning apartment in January 1995. Firefighters Craig Bradford, Patrick Sprengel and Battalion Chief David Beichner and Police Officer Stephen Colquette rescued the family without hose lines; Beichner and Colquette entered the building without protective gear.


Although the mother is recovering from severe burns, her two children died of their injuries. Soon after, the firefighters established a fund to assist in the burial of the two children.

Members of the Gardena police and Inglewood and Torrance firefighters received distinguished service awards.
