
Sigma Circuits : No. 1 on Fastest Profit Growth

How well is Sigma Circuits doing? That depends on how you look at the numbers.

The Santa Clara company makes printed circuit boards and other electronic equipment. It tops our list of companies ranked by profit growth from 1994 to 1995.

But that ranking is influenced by comparative data from the last two quarters of each year. Sigma reported a net loss of $253,000 for the six months ending Dec. 31, 1994, but a $1.7-million profit for the same period a year later.

However, its sales have been lagging lately.

President and Chief Executive Kevin Kelly says the company has recently fallen short of sales goals. Even so, Sigma reported sales of $24.3 million for its fiscal third quarter ended March 31, up more than 85% from the same period a year earlier.


Shares have lately been trading around $11.
