
For Generation Xers, It’s Time to Grow Up

* Your article “Bust for Boomers” portrays a sad and pitiful commentary on today’s young adults in Thousand Oaks. Puh-leassse! This article misses the point of living in Thousand Oaks, which is that people earn their right to live in such a beautiful and, yes, expensive place. Although I am 35 years old (just out of your poor soul club by a few years) I grew up in a less than posh environment on the east side of Detroit, busted my butt through college working two jobs, only to graduate with a degree in horticulture (Try getting a job with that major!) at a time when interest rates were 22% and portions of Michigan had 20% unemployment rate! I would have been glad to work at Tower Records.

After 15 years in my profession, planning, working, surviving, getting married, raising a young family, setting goals, saving pennies and keeping my morals intact, I can finally say that I have earned the right to live in T.O. (For accuracy I live in Simi Valley, but the two are similar in location, and for purposes of this article.)

If you are 30 years old and complaining about places to party you will never be able to afford to live in T.O. or Simi or anywhere in Southern California where crime is low and the air is clean. Living in Northridge or Pomona or San Bernardino is not against the law. Many hard-working young people live in these communities to save money and get started on their way to a better life. Not everybody starts at the top!


I think it is time your readers grew up. Read books to teach yourself a solid career or start your own business. They are small investments to a better future. But for goodness sake stop crying and being so selfish. We are all here to teach others but first you must learn it.


Simi Valley

* Re: Gen Xers, May 5

It’s time for this babied, pampered and spoiled generation to grow up and move out. Portland, Tucson, Las Vegas and Austin are all booming. Cut the umbilical, go earn, and with hard work, you too will be able to afford what you grew up in.


