
Ed Davis

In response to the article, “Ed Davis’ Influence felt in LAPD,” May 5: It is no surprise that police and politicians travel to further their education at the refreshing fountain of Davis’ vast experience and knowledge.

He is a man of great integrity, a visionary whose directives were couched in compassion, often admonishing new recruits: “When you round up the drunks downtown, don’t ever forget. ‘There but for the grace of God, go I’.”

His off-the-cuff sound bites often belied his intelligence, wisdom and depth of character. His motto was not “pass the ammunition” but pass the communication, thereby encouraging discussion and resolution rather than discord.


A leader in the truest sense of the word, Davis’ focus was not on self-aggrandizement or passing the buck, but rather on forging a new and more enlightened concept of policing. Davis was respected by both police and public, and his community-based policing approach will be a monument to his vision and creativity.


Deputy Chief, Retired LAPD

Huntington Beach


Wonderful solution. Since our experiences with Daryl Gates are too recent to have been forgotten, his advice cannot be openly sought.

Yet, there are those members of various minorities who are not likely to forget the “good old days” of Davis’ reign. Our scars remind us.



