
Microwave Antenna Law Before Council Tonight

The City Council tonight will consider a so-called urgency ordinance that would set guidelines for installation of microwave antennas.

With applications for wireless communications equipment being filed at a rapid pace, city planners say, an interim law needs to be in place as soon as possible. Planners estimate that 50 to 75 microwave antennas are planned for Lake Forest in coming months.

“We continue to get applications” for microwave antennas, “but we don’t have any guidelines in place” to regulate the industry, said Gayle Ackerman, senior planner.


An urgency ordinance would provide “short-term guidelines while we work on a long-term solution,” Ackerman said.

The plan would regulate the location of antennas and also the physical characteristics of wireless equipment, such as height and color.

The proposal to draw up regulations quickly came from a May 23 Planning Commission workshop.


An urgency ordinance typically is in effect for a year. Enforcement begins immediately upon passage instead of the usual 30 days later.
