
Saving a Baby Bird

Recently, a baby crow, attempting to fly but unable to flutter more than a few feet in the air, landed in my neighbor’s driveway. Trying to feed it bread crumbs, we realized that we’d have to put it in a tree or on a roof to keep it safe from the many cats here. Quite a problem, as all the tree branches were too high, and roof climbing insurmountable.

Just then a very young delivery truck driver drove by, parked his truck and asked if he could help. He requested a ladder, climbed up the roof right up to the chimney where he placed the baby bird. Soon the parents alit, seeming to urge the baby to fly. After anxious moments the little creature flapped his wings and flew, landing safely high in a pine tree.

This young man took time out of his very busy schedule to rescue a helpless bird. It was a most heartwarming experience to again realize that all ages have compassion and goodness.



Huntington Beach
