
Baseball in Denver Is a Mile-High Mess

I thought that last Sunday would be a good day for me to sit down and watch a Dodger game. I tried to stay with it through that marathon of hits and home runs, and it brought back memories of the game we used to play as kids: lots of runs and lots of fun. This game, however, was not fun, it was tedious. I gave up around the seventh inning.

I felt I was frittering my life away on a boring, rudderless exhibition. This ain’t the baseball the major league teams used to play. It stinks.




I really don’t understand why baseball traditionalists are so opposed to the concept of interleague play. There has been de facto interleague play--between the major and minor leagues--since big league teams began playing in Colorado in 1993. I was always under the assumption that results from exhibition games in triple-A ballparks were not to be reflected in team standings or individual statistics.



Santa Monica


Seeing the Dodgers play the Colorado Rockies, with routine fly balls becoming home runs, reminds me of our country’s moon exploration and the golf balls flying with such little gravity.

Any chance that the first item on the agenda for a baseball commissioner, if they ever get one, would be to put the Rockies in their own league--the Moon League--and the rest of the team can continue to play real baseball?


Woodland Hills


Despite the enthusiastic fan support of the Rockies, in order to keep the National League balanced and the sport statistically respectable, Coors Field should be immediately torn down and further major league baseball games in Denver must be unconditionally banned.



