
To Celebrate Anniversary, Bank Offers $30 Rewards

In celebration of Glendale Federal Bank’s 30th anniversary, its three Ventura County branches are offering $30 to any customer who opens an Infinity Account.

To qualify, customers must open their accounts with a direct deposit arrangement or maintain a minimum daily balance of $600 for six months.

“We’ve enjoyed a great relationship with the people of Ventura,” said Roy Todd, Ventura bank manager for the last 13 years. “We will not only pay qualified customers to open an Infinity Account, but we will also permanently waive monthly service charges if they maintain direct deposit or the required minimum balance.”


Infinity is a checking account that carries with it a liquid money market savings account with no minimum balance, Todd said. Other account features include overdraft protection and a special bank card that can be used at automatic teller machines and as a debit card at any establishment that takes a credit card.

Glendale Federal has branches in Ventura, Newbury Park and Westlake Village.
