
It’s a Blockbuster! No, Really It Is!

John Chavez has been a television producer and executive and now is an independent producer-writer

A Spec Script for Summer 1997:

Act 1/Scene 1

Open on explosions, explosions, special effects of buildings blowing up, flying glass.

Dissolve to gratuitous violence, explosions, car crashes, trucks flipping over, flames.


Act 2/Scene 1

Cut to explosions, endless chase scenes with plenty of property damage and a complete disregard for innocent bystanders and human life.

Highlight gross bodily functions (for specific reference see: “The Nutty Professor”/summer 1996).

Pan to explosions, more explosions, computer-generated graphics and general mass mayhem.

Tilt up to special effects, miniatures, models and the complete destruction of entire cities. Don’t forget high-tech killing machines that result in a screen full of blood and ruin.



Cute wisecrack to break the tension.

Female Lead:

Sexy retort.


Act 3/Scene 1

Interior/Explosions, gunfire, more gratuitous violence. We cut to digital effects, bust-an-eardrum soundtracks and, of course, more explosions.

Final battle scene, everything on the screen is blown to bits. Our hero and heroine are the only ones left standing.


Act 3/Scene 2

The ending doesn’t have to make sense as long as there’s plenty of explosions in the final scene.


On passionate kiss, we smash cut to explosions and finally . . .

fade to black.

Producers and directors interested in this script should contact John Chavez. . . . The rights are currently available.

Footnote: I know, there’s too much dialogue and story that slows the script down. I’m working on adding more explosions and computer special effects on the next rewrite.
