
Gay Republicans

James Pinkerton writes of the need to develop and promote issues that can serve as a common ground to unite both gay and Christian conservative Republicans (Column Right, Aug. 16). He specifically cites Bob Dole’s proposed 15% tax cut and school vouchers as examples of issues of commonality.

But you can’t enjoy a 15% tax cut if you’ve been fired from your job simply because you’re gay. School vouchers or tuition credits mean nothing if you’ve been denied custody of your child because you’re a lesbian. “Family values” remains an empty phrase if you’re legally prohibited from forming a family or even visiting your dying loved one in the hospital.

Pinkerton’s suggestion that gay and lesbian Americans set aside our differences with the religious right and work issues for the common good is insulting. Those “differences” are our very lives. The lesbian and gay “agenda” is nothing more or less than equality and fairness. Until the Republican Party can acknowledge that simple fact, the GOP will remain an unwelcome place.



San Diego
