
Rigors of Government

I was amazed at your reason not to endorse Scott Wildman for the 43rd Assembly District. You cited your doubt that he was not prepared for the “rigors” of state government. It was my pleasure to work with Scott on many United Teachers-Los Angeles matters when I was teaching in the [Los Angeles Unified School] District. If any man can face rigors, it is Wildman.

As a father of five with three still in college, he knows about rigors. As a former classroom teacher of at-risk fourth-grade pupils, he most certainly knows about rigors. As an area representative fighting for the rights of teachers against many recalcitrant LAUSD officials, he certainly knows rigors. As a former owner of a small business destroyed by earthquake, he knows rigors. Tell me, what similar rigors has [John] Geranios faced and conquered?

Everything you cite in favor of Geranios can be said of Wildman.

It is your privilege to endorse whom you choose, but please find a better rationale in this case.



Granada Hills

* When I read your endorsement of Geranios over Wildman for the seat in the 43rd Assembly District, I was stunned. It simply does not make sense. All you’ve done is endorse an inexperienced rich kid who spent family money to buy the Republican nomination.

More to the point, you dismiss Wildman because you say he “does not appear ready for the rigors of state government.” Why is that? You offer absolutely no reasons.


Los Angeles
