
Thomas on Pope’s Acceptance of Evolution

* Re “The Misguided Evolution of the Pope,” Column Right, Oct. 29:

Who is to say that God didn’t take some delight in creating and observing primates that evolved into humans whose souls he then made immortal? I hear tell that all things are possible with God. And it looks like a case can be made for everything evolving. Isn’t that what growth is all about, let alone genetic mutations?


Pacific Palisades

* Cal Thomas writes, “If man is not a unique creation of God, he is of no greater value and has no greater moral standing than an animal or any other living thing.” As a religious person I submit that a belief in God hardly ensures a belief in the sanctity of life--one need only look at the Crusades for proof.

But imagine what the world would be like if people accepted that man is not greater than any other living thing. Whether brought about by a belief in God or a belief in the shared genetics of all creatures, the result could be a world filled with respect and love.


You take creation, I’ll take science. I have a feeling we both want the world to end up at the same place.


Los Angeles

* Thomas’ column on evolution has strengthened my belief that he is a poor spokesperson for conservatives and the religious right. He claims that science is “arrogant” because the theory of evolution does not agree with his literal interpretation of the Bible. Thomas offers little intellectual stimulation and only resorts to name-calling aimed at those who do not agree with his narrow view.

Conservative readers of The Times deserve a spokesperson who can put together a column with sound arguments that might cause people to think differently about the world.




* Thomas’ ignorance of the basic principles of evolutionary science is appalling. What is even more galling, however, is his implicit assumption that morality must be, can only be, founded on a Christian belief in God. I guess the billions of non-Christians on Earth--Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, and especially atheists--are totally amoral and have no reason whatsoever to act for the goodwill of mankind.

This is a stunning insult to people everywhere. I would rather trust my future to a bunch of atheists who appreciate the value of all forms of life, than to Cal Thomas-like Christians who need to feel that man is uniquely on top of the heap.


Laguna Niguel

* When defending the experimental evidence that the Sun and not the Earth is the center of the solar system, Galileo wrote: “It is the intention of the Holy Ghost to teach us to go to heaven, not how heaven goes.” Pope John Paul II is also telling us that we can read the Scriptures and the book of nature. For some other people reading two books seems to be too much.



Sherman Oaks
