
Powwow for Kids Planned at College

Free hands-on Indian crafts for children and a traditional dancing group with members ages 1 through 15 are among the attractions of a powwow for kids Saturday at Ventura College.

“We have invited mostly youth to attend the powwow,” said Rowana Condry, executive director of Ventura’s Candelaria American Indian Council. “There’s a lot of powwows that are put on and the kids have nothing to do.”

The crafts activity for 5- to 15-year-olds will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on the campus quad. Ventura College is at 4667 Telegraph Road.


The powwow proper begins at noon and continues until 5 p.m. on the quad. Admission is by donation of a nonperishable food item or a new blanket.

Call 650-8352 for more information.
