
Frank Brewster; Former Head of Western Conference of Teamsters

Frank Brewster, 99, former head of the Western Conference of Teamsters. At the time he came to power in 1953, the western conference represented 400,000 members in 13 western states. Brewster was a pioneer in negotiating the first life insurance, medical and dental insurance plans for the union’s members. In 1955, he initiated the conference’s pension plan, which has been among the nation’s largest. He also became infamous in 1957 when the Senate Rackets Committee investigating labor racketeering held him in contempt for refusing to answer a subcommittee’s questions about union finances. Brewster drew the maximum sentence--a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The U.S. Court of Appeals overturned the conviction, deciding that the Senate investigations subcommittee had exceeded its authority in questioning Brewster. On Nov. 15 in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
