
Bolsa Chica Plans and Road Flooding

The winter rainstorms are here, and once again Pacific Coast Highway was closed from Golden West Street to Warner Avenue due to flooding.

It’s a chronic problem that happens several times each rainy season and it will get enormous if the Bolsa Chica area is developed.

Thousands more cars will be added to the traffic pattern. It has been estimated that the proposed Koll Real Estate Group development would add 20,000 car trips a day to the area. What are the mitigations? Making PCH a six-lane highway will not solve the flooding problem. If PCH is closed, no one can use it.


Road building and developers go hand in hand. And the taxpayers have to pay twice to make developers rich. First, they pay the tax to build the new roads or enlarge the old ones. And then, day after day, they have to fight the heavy traffic, noise and crowding that are caused by the thousands more people that the developments bring.


Huntington Beach
