
We Really Care--About Taxes

It is tragic that proposed welfare cuts will adversely affect the elderly, legal immigrants from Vietnam and other countries (“Proposed SSI Cutbacks Cast a Pall Over O.C.’s Tet,” Feb. 7).

My heart does go out for unfortunate folks such as Huynh Van Sang, who is considering selling his treasured stamp collection just to help finance the loss of his Supplemental Security Income.

I too, am in the 80-year age range, but was fortunate enough to have paid into the Social Security system for many years, resulting in a supplemental income at this time. True enough, I do have an extra source of revenue, but this resulted from careful planning and saving during my productive years. Even though my Social Security payments are being taxed unjustly, I feel that for humanitarian reasons we cannot forsake those who are seniors and, under dire circumstances, were fortunate enough to be given safe haven in our country.


There must be a great number of affluent immigrant Vietnamese and people from other nations who could help their elderly, needy countrymen. I believe it would be great if they could offset at least 50% of Uncle Sam’s contribution to assist their unfortunate colleagues. This might be done through contributions to a relief fund, which could be matched with equal amounts from the SSI funds.

By using such an approach, my contributions through taxation could be reduced and I still could be helpful by contributing to those legal immigrants in need.

