
57-Month Prison Sentence Urged for Moore

Patricia Moore lied on the witness stand, suborned perjury from a defense witness and tried to introduce an altered photograph during her federal extortion trial last year, prosecutors charged Thursday in asking that the former Compton councilwoman receive a stiff prison term when she appears for sentencing next month.

In a statement filed with the court, Assistant U.S. Atty. Mary Carter Andrues said Moore should be sentenced to 57 months in prison because she lied during every step of the trial and has yet to accept responsibility for her criminal behavior.

The prosecution’s recommendation to Judge Consuelo B. Marshall was sharply critical of the federal probation office, which proposed a 33-month prison term for Moore.


Andrues wrote that the probation office’s recommendation “is based upon a flawed analysis that myopically focuses” on a cooperation agreement Moore made with prosecutors in 1994 when she agreed to plead guilty to two criminal counts.
