
City to Demolish High Street Building

Riddled with structural problems, a building on the south side of Moorpark’s High Street will be demolished by the city’s Redevelopment Agency.

To avoid having another empty lot on the street--once Moorpark’s main shopping district--the agency will construct a facade. The design has not yet been approved.

City Council members, serving as the agency board, hesitated Wednesday to authorize the demolition out of concern for Eugene Galick, who had been living in the building rent-free in return for maintenance work on the property.


Galick, however, had moved out in November after the city terminated his lease because the building was unsafe, its interior stairs poorly built and its mezzanine level in danger of collapse.

“I can’t see how we could put an individual back in there,” Councilman John Wozniak said. “It’s just not safe.”

Building demolition and construction of the facade will cost an estimated $5,500.
