
Jackie Collins, author of 16 books (“Vendetta: Lucky’s Revenge”). She will appear at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Saturday at 4 p.m.

Let the weekend begin: I like to start my weekend on Friday afternoons. I write all week so I stop at about 3 p.m. and drive down to the beach in Santa Monica to this English shop, the Continental Shop, on Wilshire, where I stock up on jams and other things I like. Then I go to the Third Street Promenade. Sometimes I’ll have dinner at Ivy on the Shore.

Book prowling: On the Third Street Promenade, I like Rizzolis. In Century City, I love going to Brentano’s. Book Soup on Sunset is wonderful.

For fun: I’m an early riser on Saturday. I like to hike in the Santa Monica Mountains with my dogs, Ben and Tiger. Then if there are antique shows happening, I love to visit those.


Saturday night: We usually go over to a friend’s house who has a screening room and have dinner.

Eating out: I like Le Dome, Mr. Chow and Obachine. And I’m very excited about the new Spago on Canon Drive.

Down time: I love to read. There are so many magazines to get through and usually I spend a couple of hours reading a book. Most Sundays my fiance Frank Calcagnini’s mother comes over, and I will cook pasta. We sit around the pool with friends and play Ping-Pong. In the evening, we’ll go over to some friends to see a movie again. I love movies, books and records. They are my three passions in life, much more so than clothes.
