
U.S. Ad Gives Voice to Limits on Freedom in China

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

“The next sound you hear is the sound of freedom of speech in Communist China,” begins a radio ad sponsored by the Family Research Council. What follows is silence.

The ad is part of a well-financed campaign by the religious right opposing renewal of most-favored-nation trade status for China on grounds that the Chinese are engaged in religious persecution.

The announcer continues: “And now the sound of Chinese Christians singing their favorite hymns at an open church service.” More silence.


“In fact,” the announcer says, “the Communist government imprisons and tortures and will even kill those who challenge it or who believe religion should serve God and not socialism. So it’s ironic that the Chinese government wants special trade privileges complete with lower tariffs and American technology from the very country that was founded on the freedom of speech and religion.

“Oh, Communist China’s made promises for 17 years to respect basic human rights. But here, listen to their progress.”


“Which is why Congress can no longer remain silent about human rights in China. Call your congressman today to say ‘No’ to Communist special trade privileges until Chinese citizens are free to speak for themselves.”
