
The Desert Wind

For years we have tried to take Amtrak from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, but have not been able to do so because of the limited schedule and undesirable departure times. So, we drive. As do thousands, if not hundreds of thousands (as evidenced by the heavy traffic to and from Las Vegas every day of the week, every week of the year) to gamble and play in Las Vegas.

It is apparent that Amtrak officials haven’t a clue as to the possibility of potential revenue and the success of Desert Wind between Los Angeles and Las Vegas if the schedule were altered to meet the needs and desires of the travelers to Las Vegas. Desert Wind has faded into the sunset because Amtrak officials did not have the common sense to listen to their customers.

No one wants to leave Las Vegas at 8:20 a.m. Most people go to Las Vegas on Friday. Amtrak has no travel on Friday to Las Vegas.



Santa Monica
