
Saturday’s Library Book Sale Will Be Ahead of Its Time

Though the building is still months from completion, supporters of the future Aliso Viejo Library will hold their first book sale Saturday.

For nine months the Friends of the Aliso Viejo Library have been collecting used books and preparing for the benefit, which will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Glenwood Recreation Center, 25422 Cedarbrook.

‘We have tons of books that have been donated,” said Marshall Schlom, president of the library support group. “Even though our new library isn’t open yet, we are having this big event . . . to benefit the library.”


Set to open by year’s end, the $5 million, 21,000-square-foot building now under construction will feature a two-story clock tower and the first coffeehouse in a county library.
