
Hope Takes Root Again After Greenhouse Is Vandalized

It is considered an oasis amid the urban sprawl of South-Central Los Angeles: The Garden Project, an acre of fruit trees, vegetables, climbing roses and a greenhouse at 79th Street and Towne Avenue.

Two weeks ago, the greenhouse was vandalized, sending a wave of anger throughout the neighborhood where senior citizens and high school students worked side by side planting a community garden.

“It leaves a bad taste in your mouth because you work at something to get it nice and somebody comes in and vandalizes it,” said Leroy Shepard, an employee at the nearby Van Meter Senior Citizens Center.


The perpetrators entered through the roof, covered the walls and windows with graffiti, trampled a variety of seedlings, stole tools, and scattered dirt in the greenhouse.

The seedlings of tomatoes, vegetables, and flowers were to have been transferred to the outside garden plot.

“It is just so discouraging to the seniors and to the students,” said Ethel Gorrell, director of the center. “But, we just have to get started in the greenhouse all over again. We just have to.”
