
Offering Free Screenings, Peace of Mind

Vera Saucedo and Maria Chavez realize the value of having an annual breast cancer screening, but neither could afford an exam with a private physician--at least until recently.

The two women were among those who received a free screening and mammogram earlier this month from Encore Plus, a program offered by the YWCA of North Orange County.

The cancer screenings, plus lessons on self-examinations, are held at community and senior centers throughout the county for women with limited incomes and no medical insurance.


Program officials say the detection service, available in Orange County since 1994, offers women ages 40 to 65 an alternative to health care that can save their lives.

“The basic idea is to go out in the communities and reach the women who need to be reached,” said Dr. Victor De La Pena, who has conducted program screenings for almost two years. “We want to catch the cancer early enough so treatment will be minimal.”

Chavez, 41, of La Habra, said she’s never been to a physician for a breast cancer screening and wanted one for peace of mind about her health. “I want to be there for my children,” she said.


Saucedo, 50, of Santa Ana, was also worried about her health: “There’s a lot of Hispanic women out there who don’t get checked because they can’t afford it.”

At the recent screening at Anaheim Brookhurst Community Center, 19 women, including Saucedo and Chavez, received the free service.

About 1,200 women have had the free exams since July 1996, and of that group, about five women under the age of 50 detected breast cancer, said Carol Sipple, the program’s director.


The screenings, Sipple said, are made possible through funds from various sources, including the Orange County Breast Cancer Partnership Early Detection Program and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Last year, 40 free screenings were held countywide. Local physicians, nurses and mammography specialists help out with the screenings, in which women must make an appointment.

De La Pena, an Anaheim obstetrician and gynecologist, said educating women on how to do self-exams is critical since “the highest percentage of diagnosed breast cancer is diagnosed by the woman herself.”

The program also offers follow-up care at no cost if there is a breast cancer diagnosis, as well as low-cost pap smears.

Said De La Pena: “We do not let anybody go by the wayside.”

Information: (714) 871-4488 or (714) 806-2037.


Free Cancer Checks

Free breast cancer screenings and mammograms will be available in four locations this summer. Screenings begin at 8:30 a.m. Information: (714) 871-4488. The sites:

* June 25

Westminster Community Center, 8200 Westminster Blvd., Westminster

* July 31

Orange Senior Center, 170 S. Olive St., Orange

* Aug. 16

Brea Community Center, 695 E. Madison Way, Brea

* Aug. 27

Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa

Source: YWCA Encore Plus Program
