
33 Are Arrested at Guess Protest in Santa Monica

Santa Monica police arrested 33 demonstrators who blocked a department store entrance at a crowded mall Saturday as part of a long-standing dispute over working conditions at apparel manufacturer Guess.

All of those arrested, including guitarist Tom Morello of the rock band Rage Against the Machine, were cited for obstructing a place of business, a misdemeanor, and released, according to police Lt. Gary Gallinot.

The arrests occurred after a march and sit-down demonstration organized by the Union of Needletrades Industrial and Textile Employees, AFL-CIO. About 200 demonstrators joined the march to Santa Monica Place to urge holiday shoppers to boycott Guess clothing because of the alleged sweatshop conditions maintained by contractors of Southern California’s largest clothing manufacturer.


When the demonstrators, who had a city permit for the march, arrived at the mall early Saturday afternoon, some of them went inside the mall and, in violation of the march permit, blocked an entrance to the Robinsons-May store, which carries the Guess line.

The rest of the demonstrators left the mall and continued their march to Palisades Park before disbanding, Gallinot said.
