
Some Say USC Not Being Fair to Robinson


If USC is going to leap, it would like to know where it is going to land, a member of the board of trustees acknowledged Monday.

And if Coach John Robinson is going to sit at his desk waiting for Athletic Director Mike Garrett’s decision--most likely Wednesday has been Garrett’s word--he would like to know the chair won’t be pulled out from under him by mid-afternoon.

So while Robinson waits and USC checks with Lou Holtz and whoever else is on its wish list, the coaching fraternity’s sense of loyalty battles its scavenger instincts.


Dallas Cowboy assistant Hudson Houck worked for Robinson in his first stint at USC, and like a lot of former assistants, he is closing ranks with Robinson.

“I really think it’s horrible the way it’s being handled,” said Houck, who could soon will be out of a job himself. “I think the speculation is really unfortunate when he hasn’t been fired. They should either fire him or keep him.

“A man of John Robinson’s stature should be handled with a little more respect than he is being handled with right now.”


By the way, Houck also said, “No one has called me from the university.”

No one has called Seattle Seahawk assistant Clarence Shelmon, either. He was a Trojan assistant under Larry Smith.

“John’s a very good coach and a personal friend. If you’re asking me, it would be best if he stayed,” Shelmon said. “I believe they’ve got the best guy for the job, and you can print that.”

The rumors--and the denials--fly at times like these.

Many of the rumors are fueled by the media and other coaches--some of whom scoff at the idea USC could hire an NFL coach such as the Tennessee Oilers’ Jeff Fisher, Minnesota Vikings’ Dennis Green or Chicago Bears’ Dave Wannstedt--all of whom have denied they have been contacted by USC.


Sources close to Seahawk Coach Dennis Erickson don’t believe he has been contacted, either.

In addition, Oklahoma State Athletic Director Terry Don Phillips says USC hasn’t asked permission to talk to Coach Bob Simmons.

And Robinson still reports to work at Heritage Hall.

“To the best of my knowledge, I’m still the head coach at A&M; and John’s still the coach at USC,” said Texas A&M; Coach R.C. Slocum, a USC assistant in 1981.

Since every coach either has been fired before or figures he’s on his way to getting fired, they see a compatriot when they watch a coach like Robinson twist in the wind--the winner of a national championship at USC in 1978 and twice only a victory from the Super Bowl with the Rams.

But the minute he’s cut down . . .

“Coach Robinson is such a good guy and I have so much respect for him,” Colorado State Coach Sonny Lubick said before his voice took on a teasing tone. “Now, if John happened to leave, afterward I might get pretty excited. I’m still a young chicken.

“But in all sincerity and honesty, nobody’s talked to me.”

To listen to the rumor mill, you’d think he’s one of the few.

“They’re not talking to me,” Florida assistant Bob Stoops said. “That must mean I’m way down the list.”
