
Quackenbush Apologizes to Lungren

Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush apologized Tuesday for accusing Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren, a fellow Republican, of violating legal ethics by accepting a $10,000 campaign contribution from a company both were fighting in court. Lungren accepted the apology.

Attributing his earlier remarks to staff misunderstandings and calling them inaccurate, Quackenbush stated in a letter to Lungren:

“I personally regret any statements that may have impugned your integrity and reputation and to the fullest extent possible I seek to correct the record. . . . It is my hope that you will accept this as my apology.”


Lungren press secretary Robert Stutzman said the attorney general and the commissioner are submitting a stipulation in the court case that should resolve a dispute over the payment of outside attorneys retained by Quackenbush’s department. In the meantime, he said, “the attorney general accepts the apology.”
