
Salary Increase for Harbor Pilots

Give the Los Angeles Harbor pilots what they want. They certainly deserve it. If the mayor, City Council members or members of the taxpaying public have any doubts about the validity of paying the pilots a competitive wage, invite them to spend a day with one of the pilots, viewing firsthand exactly what their job requires them to do. Without a doubt, you will come away from the experience filled with awe and appreciation for the professionalism and dedication to their careers that these port pilots have.

I guarantee you it takes more than a stint in the Navy and two years of memorizing harbor features (no small task itself) to perform this job. The job of ship’s captain or port pilot requires a combination of exotic skills, extensive and continuing education and a kind of sixth sense that few people possess.


Mission Viejo

* Apparently Peter King (July 20) believes the harbor pilots deserve a 70% raise. Please have him do an article on our public school teachers.



Mission Viejo
