

I was sorry to see that the only letter you received, or printed, in response to the article about Della Reese-Lett (“Preaching What She Practices” by Judith Michaelson, Nov. 16) was such an across-the-board attack of her acting, integrity and principles.

Della Reese is a fine singer and actress. Her role as Tess in “Touched by an Angel” has added dimension because it conveys her own deep spiritual nature and beliefs. Many lives have been touched by the simple, yet profound, premise of the show--that God can enter our lives directly and that His angels surround us whether we are aware of them or not.

Yes, it’s just a television program; these are just stories that may entertain us, and why not? Stories, or parables, have long been used to present spiritual principles so that everyone can understand them.


Standing up for oneself and speaking out against unfair treatment, despite what others may think, is a very basic right of all citizens, rich or poor, famous or not. It is very compatible with a spiritual approach to life.


