
Healthy Bestsellers : HARDCOVER

1. “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success for Parents: Daily Lessons for Children to Live By,” by Deepak Chopra (Crown, $16.95)

2. “Make the Connection: Ten Steps to a Better Body and a Better Life,” by Bob Greene and Oprah Winfrey (Hyperion, $18.95)

3. “Romancing the Shadow: A Guide to Finding Gold in the Dark Side,” by Connie Zweig (HarperSanFrancisco, $24)


4. “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,” by John Gray (HarperCollins, $23)

5. “10 Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives,” by Laura Schlessinger (HarperCollins, $24)

6. “The Zone” by Barry Sears with Bill Lawren (HarperCollins/ ReganBooks, $22)

7. “Forgiveness and Other Acts of Love,” by Stephanie Dowrick (W.W. Norton, $23.95)

8. “Mars and Venus on a Date,” by John Gray (HarperCollins, $25)

9. “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times,” by Pema Chodron (Shambhala, $18)

10. “8 Weeks to Optimum Health: A Proven Program for Taking Full Advantage of Your Body’s Natural Healing Power,” by Andrew Weil (Knopf, $23)



1. “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” by Richard Carlson (Hyperion, $8.95)

2. “The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy: or Everything Your Doctor Won’t Tell You,” by Vicky Iovine (Pocket Books, $12)

3. “Zagat Survey 1997 Los Angeles / Southern California Restaurant Guide,” edited by Merrill Shindler and Karen Berk (Zagat Survey, $10.95)

4. “Emotional Intelligence,” by Daniel Goleman (Bantam, $13.95)

5. “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” by Robert C. Atkins (M. Evans, $12.95)

6. “Mars & Venus in the Bedroom: A Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion,” by John Gray (HarperCollins, $13)


7. “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing, $12.95)

8. “Allergy-free Cooking: How to Survive the Elimination Diet & Eat Happily Ever After” by Eileen Yoder (Addison Wesley Longman, $15)

9. “Healing the Past: And Getting on With Your Life,” by Arian Sarris (Llewellyn Publications, $12.95)

10. “What to Expect in the Toddler Years,” by Arlene Eisenberg, Sandee E. Hathaway and Heidi E. Murkoff (Workman Publishing, $15.95)


Rankings are based upon Times’ poll of Southland bookstores.
