
Liz Smith Unfair to Fayed

Liz Smith’s embittered exposition against Dodi Fayed confused me (“ ‘Stardom’ Found in the End,” Sept. 9). Why should an established gossip columnist such as herself be shocked that Fayed exchanged money for “connections”? Surely, stranger things have happened in Hollywood. Howard Stern, for instance, is universally heralded as the King of Media for his shameless ability to generate publicity.

I find it rash and unfair that Smith chooses to speculate that Dodi Fayed is culpable in the death of Princess Diana. The ease with which she dismisses Fayed’s character and the token acknowledgment she gives to his father’s defense is appalling.

We all are deeply hurt by the loss of Princess Diana. Our loss, however, cannot justify the rage and blame that has been unloaded on Fayed and his family. I was appalled by Smith’s reaction until I remembered the very nature of her column: gossip. That, apparently, justifies everything she says and, ironically, everything Princess Diana was against.



Los Angeles
