
City to Sport New Holiday Ornaments

The city will look a bit more festive this holiday season.

City Council members agreed Monday to spend $8,500 for holiday ornaments to replace aging decorations.

The ornaments will include 20 deluxe lanterns with garlands and scrolls to hang from municipal poles. Decorations will go up the week of Nov. 14 and be removed after Jan. 3.

The lanterns were chosen over holiday banners, which were cheaper at $3,000. Council members said the more expensive items would last longer and look nicer.


“If we can’t afford to do a nice job, we shouldn’t do it,” Councilman Robert P. Wahlstrom said.

In other business, the council canceled its Oct. 13 meeting so members can attend a California League of Cities conference.

It also agreed to support a county proposal to centralize taxi regulations and heard a report on the Jan. 1 deregulation of electric service.
