
Guiding Men on Complex Health Issues

While it’s generally acknowledged that women are more in tune with their bodies and more willing to consult a doctor than men, middle-aged males these days find themselves facing not only new vulnerabilities but also much hype about treating everything from back pain to baldness.

To sort through the confusion, the nonprofit People’s Medical Society, dedicated to consumer health education, has produced a comprehensive guide, loaded with lists, charts, illustrations and consumer tips. The one-stop primer deals with the body’s physical systems, basic health practices, common medical conditions, consumer advice and sexual health, among other major topics. It debunks myths and offers candid answers to such common concerns as male menopause, vasectomy and cancer.

And if that isn’t enough information, it throws in 12 pages listing further readings in all the vital categories from AIDS to weight reduction. It’s a handy reference for men of any age.
