
Second Property Tax Installment Due

Today is the deadline for Orange County homeowners to pay the second installment on their annual property tax bills.

Payments must be mailed with today’s postmark or a late penalty of 10% of the bill plus $10 will be charged. Taxpayers also can pay in person at the tax collector’s public information office in Room G-58 of the Hall of Records and Finance, 12 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. The office will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

In addition, a drop box is available outside the building next to the entrance to the tax collector’s office.


Taxpayers who don’t know the amount of their property tax bill, or who wish to pay their bill by MasterCard or Discover Card, should call the tax collector’s automated information line at (714) 834-3411. There will be a fee added to the amount of taxes paid.

Treasurer-Tax Collector John M.W. Moorlach said the county’s tax compliance rate from the first installment in December was 98%.
