
Equestrian Areas

Sunland, Shadow Hills and Lakeview Terrace owe much of their rural spirit to the large equestrian community that uses the Tujunga Wash / Hansen Dam area for horseback riding.

Two recent projects threaten to lock out much of the Tujunga Wash / Hansen Dam area from equestrian use.

The most well-known of these projects is the proposed golf course in the Tujunga Wash. In spite of claims to the contrary, this project will develop almost 360 acres, including many trails used by the equestrian community. A few nominal pathways have been set aside to deflect criticism.


Almost unknown is a proposal from the Army Corps of Engineers that proposes to flood the Hansen Dam area to either the 1,020-foot or 1,030-foot level for at least part of the year.

On the face of it this would eliminate very large areas of the Hansen dam area from equestrian use.

Together these projects could reduce the land available for horseback riding by more than 50%, and the whole rural ambience of the area would be altered.


The people of Sunland, Shadow Hills and Lakeview Terrace should tell the City Council that the golf course proposal, which is on it’s agenda, is not welcome in our community.


