
Coming Soon: Female Small-Business Parity

Patrice Apodaca covers economic issues for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-5979 and at [email protected]

Female entrepreneurs could account for half of all small businesses in the county as the new millennium dawns. According to the 1992 census, there were more than 75,000 small female-owned firms here then, 35% of the total. Rachel Baranick, deputy district director at the Small Business Administration’s Orange County office, believes that number will exceed 50% in the next decade, both locally and in the United States. Nationally, female-owned businesses employ one in every five workers, she said. “They have a tremendous impact on the economy.”

What’s more, Baranick said, many of those women are moving away from the stereotypical shopkeeper role and into industries, such as high-tech, that can wield considerable influence in the business community. Many female-owned firms that she deals with, for example, have been busy helping other companies convert their computer systems to avoid the expected year 2000 glitch.

Yet female entrepreneurs still encounter roadblocks to success, she said, including barriers to financing, education and training. Her agency offers women an expedited loan approval program, a business Internet site (, conferences, market research, mentoring programs and government contracting opportunities. Anyone interested in these programs may call the local SBA office at (714) 550-7420.
