
Judicial Delays and Race

Herman Schwartz’s “The GOP’s Judicial Delays and the Cost to Minorities” (Opinion, Feb. 15) is another pitiful example of those in our society who need to find a racial basis to explain every difference of opinion. If Republicans try to thwart the appointment of an Asian American liberal, it’s not because of his liberalism but only because of his ethnicity. Schwartz must believe that Republicans have a political death wish and aim to offend the groups in our society whose political clout is growing at the fastest rate.

Thinking in terms of race rather than philosophy does not serve our nation and I hope that we could learn to discuss the abilities of prospective judges without the need to mention what nation their parents happened to come from.


Los Angeles

* From the liberal bastions of academia rides Schwartz to warn us of those evil conservatives’ vast conspiracy to pack the courts with white males. His transparent accusation of racism does not gibe with the liberals’ attempt to wrongfully smear the reputation of Clarence Thomas, an African American who was nominated for the Supreme Court.


If there is any rewriting of the Constitution, it is by the judicial activists of the liberal courts.


Redondo Beach
