
Riverside Drive to Get 2 Stop Signs

Riverside Drive, the curving street with the Grand Prix reputation, soon will get two stop signs as a way to halt speeders.

Residents of the street had asked the city to turn the road into a cul-de-sac to deter drag racers and other fast drivers.

The city’s Transportation and Circulation Commission rejected the request, prompting an appeal to the City Council.


Instead of a cul-de-sac, council members this week agreed that erecting two stop signs on the sloping street might slow traffic. In addition, the council said it will consider installing a speed bump.

Five months ago, a 19-year-old man died on the street after he lost control of his car and smashed into a tree, which police said occurred because he was drag racing with friends.

Before that, residents said, numerous accidents went unrecorded, including one in which a speeder hit and injured a dog and another in which a teenager lost control of his car and injured himself by running into a tree.
