
Woe Is He! Condemnation and Praise for ‘Mr. Morality,’ Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager may be “Mr. Morality” (Feb. 7), but from my experience his morality has holes in it.

He says, “God wants us to be happy.” He has no compunction about attributing to his god what he considers his own point of view. (The prophet Isaiah says that his god is the creator of woe.)

Happiness, unfortunately, must be related to something, and it is happiness for many to cause unhappiness in others.



Los Angeles


Dennis Prager is a rarity: a talk-show host who doesn’t scream, doesn’t attempt to titillate or pander to the lowest common denominator. He wants to have reasoned discussions about morality and ethics.

In our country, where the greatest concern is over the economic quality of life, he asks us to consider the emotional and spiritual sides too. He challenges us to consider the meaning of our lives and how it relates to our relationships and the society at large.

If we had more talk-show hosts like Prager, our culture would be vastly improved.


Los Angeles
