
Rupert Murdoch

So, Rupert Murdoch is about to be inducted into the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great, according to your Jan. 3 article on papal honors. While I don’t know who St. Gregory the Great was, I still have a feeling that, if he were given a look at most of Murdoch’s newspapers, he might ask for a recount.

I have no quarrel with the Catholic Church’s desire to appear to be more populist, honoring such figures as Bob Hope and Roy Disney, but Murdoch’s sex-oriented British dailies, and even his blue-collar, lowbrow sensationalist U.S. holdings make him an unlikely ally of the pope.

Perhaps the most telling factor is that Murdoch and his wife “have supported the Archdiocesan Education Foundation and other Catholic causes.” Apparently, Murdoch bought more than the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1997.





As a Catholic, I read with disbelief of the papal knighthood to be awarded to Murdoch. I can see it now. Murdoch’s Fox network will tape the ceremony, juice it up with the usual blood and babes, and air it during the February sweeps. I have the perfect title: “When Church Officials Lose Their Minds!”


La Puente
