
Whatever-- Just Do It


The holidays are behind us, but not before leaving six to eight extra pounds. (That’s how much experts tell us the average person puts on during the seasonal eating.)

For most of us, it’s go time--as in go-to-the-gym time.

Because everyone seems to be in a perpetual time crunch, the key question is: Which gym machine offers the best workout in the least amount of time?

The short answer, unfortunately, is none.

Some studies show--all things being equal--that treadmills burn the most calories, while others say stair-climbers. Still, other research gives high marks to rowers and ski machines as the best overall body workout--but even they don’t burn calories as efficiently as some other machines.


But, fitness experts say, in the long run the differences among the most common aerobic machines at gyms--treadmills, stair-climbers, stationary bikes, skiers, and rowers--are negligible.

“The bottom line is that you enjoy what you do and do it regularly,” said Richard Cotton, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. “It’s silly to try and do something that might burn 3% or 5% more calories if you don’t like it and won’t stick to it.”

However, there’s little debate that a regular exercise program greatly benefits mind and body. It helps control body fat, increases resistance to fatigue, decreases tension and improves mood.


An aerobic exercise program entails working out regularly--at least three times a week for 15 to 20 minutes. According to fitness industry experts, nearly half of those who work out regularly do so on home or health club cardiovascular equipment.

When it comes to sustaining a regular program, it’s hard to beat the convenience of gym machines--once you get to the gym. No muggers, no bad weather, no excuses--just hop on and go. Machines have the added advantage of providing a low- or no-impact workout--an important consideration for aging enthusiasts and others coping with nagging sport injuries.

Of course, like most things mechanical, the mighty machines can also be unbearable bores. Luckily, most health clubs are equipped with all kinds of modern bells and whistles--TVs, music, reading trays--to keep our minds off the humdrum task at hand. Beyond that, fitness trainers recommend dividing up your workout between two machines to break the monotony.


What follows is a guide through the maze of gym machinery. The best advice is to try them all and decide for yourself. The rating is 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest.


Sweat factor: 4.5

Niagara Falls time. Bring a towel.

Shape-up factor: 4

Treadmills work primarily your leg muscles--quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Your hip flexors and glutes (gym slang for “rear end”) get an excellent workout too. Minimal upper body workout.

Boredom factor: 4.5

Though boredom is often in the head of the beholder, treadmills are generally regarded as the most boring machine, especially on the lower settings. It’s usually harder to read on a treadmill than other machines, and you’re at the mercy of your club’s sound and television systems.

Cheat factor: 4

While it might not be very thrilling, it is difficult to cheat on a treadmill. Depending on where you stand, you might be able to lean on the console, but even this requires a certain athleticism. Either you keep up with the workout or you fly off a la George “Jane, stop this crazy thing!” Jetson.

Tips and Tricks

Be careful after dismounting. Dizziness can occur. It’s a form of mild seasickness, but this fades away after a couple of workouts. If you have injured knees or ankles and are determined to use a treadmill, don’t run; instead, increase the grade and walk faster.


Sweat factor: 4.5

Niagara Falls revisited. Keep that towel handy.

Shape-up factor: 4

Leg muscles get the best workout, but stair-climbers are famous for shaping glutes. Don’t expect your upper body to get buff on a stair-climber.


Boredom factor: 3

Not exactly a thrill ride, but at least the up and down motion of step walking offers some variety over walking on a treadmill. Newer models of stair-climbers make it easy to read during exercise.

Cheat factor: 2

The great drawback: It’s so easy to skirt a good workout by putting your entire upper body weight on the console. Another favorite cheating method is locking elbows, which also takes a goodly portion of body weight off the machine. An alternative to cheating is lowering the difficulty setting.

Tips and Tricks

Hold only the handrails to balance yourself, and take full strides, not baby ones, an approach favored by the elbow-lockers. The interval training setting provides an excellent workout, mixing a steady pace with short bursts of sprints.


(upright and incumbent)

Sweat factor: 3

Don’t expect a geyser.

Shape-up factor: 3

Your legs will definitely feel the burn. A terrific lower-body workout.

Boredom factor: 3

A time when going around and around and around in circles really isn’t so bad. One of the easier machines to read on.

Cheat factor: 3.5

It’s easy to cheat by leaning on the pseudo handlebars, but it won’t do you much good. Your legs still have about the same amount of weight to push with or without the lean.

Tips and Tricks

Because they’re seated and their arms are free, many stationary cyclists combine an upper body workout with the biking. Many either stretch or lift small weights.



Sweat factor: 4

Turn on the water works.

Shape-up factor: 4.5

Not only a terrific workout for the lower body but also challenges the upper body, including biceps. Excellent workout and sadly underrated. Fitness experts say a rowing machine is still a great total-body workout matched only by ski machines.

Boredom factor: 3

At least, it’s more fun than singing “Row, row, row, your boat” 100 times.

Cheat factor: 4.5

Go ahead, try. It’s nearly impossible unless you have a hologram.

Tips and Tricks

The hardest thing about rowing machines may be finding one in your health club. Once all the rage, rowers have sharply declined in popularity in recent years. Fitness analysts blame a lack of innovation in rower design. Otherwise, the rower is a great opportunity to improve cardiovascular fitness and tone muscles in legs, arms and back.


Sweat factor: 4

If it gets below freezing, you could see snow flurries.

Shape-up factor: 4.5

An outstanding total-body workout, almost identical to a rowing machine’s. The only real differences are: You’re standing up the entire time, and you work your triceps more and your biceps less.

Boredom factor: 2.5

Unless you’re Scandinavian, the cross-country ski action is new and a welcome change of pace.

Cheat factor: 4.5

Like the rower, almost impossible.

Tips and Tricks

Requires more coordination than any other machine. It’s all about rhythm, but if you get stumped, the Winter Olympics are coming up in a few weeks.
