
Library to Celebrate Added Books, Hours

A celebration will be held Wednesday to mark the addition of more children’s programs, books, magazines and extended hours at Ray D. Prueter Library.

The additions were made possible by $10,000 raised by the Friends of the Ray D. Prueter Library and a $10,000 gift from the city, said Trish Cavanaugh, a spokeswoman for the county’s Library Services Agency.

The festivities begin at 11 a.m. and will include presentations by Mayor Jonathan Sharkey, Councilman Murray Rosenbluth, County Supervisor Frank Schillo and Friends President Adele Rosenbluth.


There will be a children’s story time led by local singer Lee Orgel and “Grandparents and Books” reader Jim O’Grady. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, call 486-5460.
