
4 Drown After Child Chases Ball Into Pool

Associated Press

Two men and a child drowned while trying to save a boy who jumped into a neighbor’s swimming pool to retrieve a ball. The first boy also died.

One of the boys jumped into the water after dropping a ball into the deep end of the pool Saturday afternoon. The other boy, and then the two adults, jumped in to try to save him, authorities said.

The adults were identified as Hazard Community College Executive Dean Francis Kaikumba, 49, and Raymond Kuezi-nke, 43, an assistant math professor at the college.


The children were Kuezi-nke’s nephews. One was identified as Chanda Sifukwe Simpungwe, 13, and the other’s identity was not released.

Police said the men and five children were at Kaikumba’s home in Jackson, about 70 miles southeast of Lexington.
