
Pig’s Best Friend Seek Reelection in Denmark Race

<i> Reuters</i>

A Liberal member of Parliament seeking reelection says Denmark’s 11 million pigs should be given toys to play with.

In a bid to woo the growing environmental and animal-rights lobby in Denmark, which has twice as many pigs as people, opposition Liberal Party Deputy Mariann Fischer Boels has proposed a string of measures designed to improve the welfare of farm animals.

The Liberal Party has its roots in Denmark’s farming community, but Fischer Boels’ reform plans, which include toys like rubber balls to keep pigs active and animal-washing facilities, along with clean bedding and a ban on the use of growth hormones, have failed to garner support from the party leadership.


Liberal leader Uffe Ellemann-Jensen called the proposal ill-considered.

Niels Hoejland, a candidate for the rival Progress Party, said the next step would be to give pigs videocassettes and saunas.
