
Getty Facilities

With two cars, 10 people including four young children, we visited the Getty in December. It was awesome in every respect. The youngsters were actively involved with the costumes that matched paintings, the still-life art and computer browsing, and the volunteers were completely at home working with the children.

We took lunches that were left in the cars in the parking structure and enjoyed a family picnic at tables provided by the Getty at the bottom of the free tram. Restrooms were ample and available right there.

The Getty has done so much for “grungy L.A.,” that the incessant harping on “facilities” is ludicrous (March 16).


However, the Getty may prove a true friend to all women who visit public places in making a “wake-up” call to the architects and planners to use some common sense. We have our own numerous examples in San Diego. Going to the opera or theaters with short intermissions and long lines into inadequate bathrooms for women can be harrowing.


San Diego

* I read with disgust, as I’m sure a great many women did, the article about the lack of restrooms at the new Getty Center. It seems with all the money they spent, they overlooked an extremely necessary item. Who reviews these drawings? A man, I’d bet. And they discovered this five years ago? Unbelievable.


Santa Ynez
