
Shootings in Arkansas

Two juveniles, ages 11 and 13, killed four children and one adult during an assault with guns at a school in Arkansas (March 25). Being juveniles, they will not be held fully accountable as adults would be. However, since by law in Arkansas juveniles are permitted to have rifles, the full adult population of the state should share in the responsibility for these murders.

In those states where juveniles are not permitted to possess guns but still are not held fully accountable for their acts, who should share in the responsibility when juveniles commit such crimes? Clearly, any adult who has willingly or carelessly allowed children to get the guns should be held accountable. This should include parents, relatives, friends or gun dealers.


Santa Ynez


We live in a capitalistic society where we all want to make as much money as we can. TV, the movies, newspapers and tabloids, computer game manufacturers and lots of people have figured out that sex and violence sell. Psychologists have been telling us for years that there’s a correlation between the amount and types of violence our kids see on TV, etc., and that we all see on the streets and in our schools.


If the media presented less violence, they also know they’d make less money, and we shareholders would boot out their CEOs and board members. New ones would resort to the tried and true. It’s a vicious cycle. Add to this the obscene number of weapons among our citizenry, toss in the drug problem, and it’s a “safe” bet that it will probably get worse before it gets . . . worse.


Woodland Hills


The general conclusions so far seem to be that “it’s a violent society” and “the media glamorize violence.” Oh, by the way, Grandpa has a rifle collection, and Daddy is a “crack shot,” who thinks sports hunting is an appropriate activity for an 11-year-old child.

If nothing else, violent movies and television programs show that guns tend to hurt people when they’re fired. Which is glamorizing violence: portraying guns as dangerous weapons or as sports equipment and trophies in the glorious family tradition of “the hunt”?





The guns have always been there. Children taking them and using them criminally are more a comment on the justice system than on availability. The liberals have perverted the justice system to the point where juveniles believe that they will not have to face the consequences of their actions.


San Diego


This incident is not just another example of school-related violence. It was an act of violence that happened to occur at a school. What almost all reporting on this tragedy has failed to mention, however, is that this is another example of male-on-female violence. It is not an irrelevant detail that the shooters were male and the five victims female or that the action was reportedly brought on by the breakup of a romantic relationship.


San Marcos
