
Weighty Issues Overshadow Story

There are three stories in this morning’s Times [March 22] about Utah’s upset victory over Arizona.

Mike Penner’s lead: “Rick Majerus said he had something up his sleeve, but everyone assumed it was a hospitality room doughnut.”

Bill Dwyre’s lead: “The balding fat guy in the white sweater ate the other guy alive Saturday.”


Randy Harvey’s lead: “Utah Coach Rick Majerus guarded his game plan as if it were a free pizza coupon.”

So each of your writers found it necessary that their readers know Rick Majerus is overweight before we could be trusted with the information that he had pulled off perhaps the coaching feat of the NCAA season.

I’m about Rick Majerus’ size. Now I know how your writers and editors would feel about me if they knew me. And I’m glad they don’t.



San Clemente
